For over 40 years the 2SLGBTQ+ community in Edmonton has celebrated PRIDE during the month of June. This year will be no exception and like last year we will celebrate PRIDE MONTH from June 1st through to June 30th.

2022 saw over 40 events presented by more than 19 different producers and local businesses in 21+ different venues throughout the City of Edmonton and the Capital Region including St. Albert, Sherwood Park, Fort Saskatchewan, Leduc and Spruce Grove.

2023 grew with almost 100 events presented by 40+ event producers in over 50 venues in the Greater Edmonton Region.

Here at Pride Edmonton our goal is to be one central source listing all Pride Events – from bars to performance venues, ballfields to community plaza’s, street fairs to churches – we will list all appropriate events. And we even have a page featuring local Edmonton businesses that have Pride Supplies year round.


Stay tuned as we ramp up our efforts. We will do our best to reach out to your organization if you presented an event in 2023. If you wish you may reach out to us in advance using our Contact page or use the Event Submission Form on the website so you can submit your info and graphic/poster now.
